Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Mexican History And Its Effects On American Soil - 1626 Words

The way history is portrayed often changes depending on who is writing it and which country it is from, to really grasp an understanding of The Punitive Expedition through the eyes of Mexican history it is essential to analyze Mexican Textbooks and how they portray it. Analyzing Mexican history will not only give insight to what caused Villas attack on American Soil, feelings towards the Punitive expedition, and its causes, but justification for Pancho Villas attack on Columbus in the eyes of the Mexican People. The following report will include a description as well as analyzes of Mexican Textbooks as well as connections to American history when accounts of history contradict. The punitive expedition began as a result of the attack on†¦show more content†¦Mexican history further solidifies the idea of a mutual friendship between Villa and the United states by stating â€Å"Villa trato de evitar, una y numerosas veces, los perjuiciousque el o sus soldados pudiesen ocasionar a los intereses y vidas de noramericanos, gracias a lo cual, gano la confianza de la gente y gobierno de Estados Unidos.† The key words within their portray of history is â€Å"trato de evitar† â€Å"gano la confianza† which give off the impression to the audience that Villa attempted his best to maintain a relationship with the US as well as implies that the American people were grateful for the courtesies that Villa extended towards them. The way Mexican history portrays the relationship between Villa and the US before the Columbus attack makes it seem as though they had a romanized friendship in which both parties mutually felt affection for one another , this to a certain degree is correct because they were mutual partners against Carranza for some time but in reality their relationship was not a friendship but a diplomatic relationship. The proof that the United States and Villa held a diplomatic relationship is that before holding relations with Villa the US was partnered with Carranza to oppose the power in government of General Victoriano Huerta which the US objected to and then when the US objected to Carranza they teamed up with Villa to oppose his power of government indirectly (Pancho Villa Attacks

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